Weather forecast for the next 48 hours Today Friday
Weather forecast for the next 48 hours
Today Friday 24 – 02 -
Weather/ Sky will be cloudy and partly cloudy in mountainous areas.
Temperatures/ close to previous day's records.
Wind speed / spontaneous - moderate ( 10 - 20 ) km / km
Wind direction will be northeast.
Visibility: Between (8 – 10) km
Temperatures are indicated on the map.
Tomorrow Saturday 25 – 02 -
Weather/ Sky will be cloudy and partly cloudy in some areas.
Temperatures will rise by about 1 to 2 degrees compared to today's records.
Wind speed / spontaneous - moderate ( 10 - 20 ) km / km
Wind direction will be northeast.
Visibility: Between (8 – 10) km
Highest temperatures in Celsius:
Erbil : 21 degrees Celsius
Sulaimani : 19 degrees Celsius
Duhok : 19 degrees Celsius
Kirkuk : 24 degrees Celsius
Halabja: 20 degrees Celsius
Zakho : 21 degrees Celsius
Soran : 18 degrees Celsius
Garmian : 26 degrees Celsius
Forecast Department / 24-02-2